
Vision and Mission

Vision and Mission


To be a community that encourages academic, physical, and creative development, fosters a passion for learning, and inspires intellectual curiosity. 


We empower our students to acquire and embrace knowledge, be intellectually reflective, be caring and ethical citizens, and lead a lifetime of meaningful work. ASU prepares students through rigorous, student-driven academic and co-curricular programs to succeed in English speaking colleges and universities and to contribute to a rapidly changing global society.

Expected Schoolwide Student Outcomes

ASU students will be:

Academic Achievers who…

  • Build meaning and understanding for themselves using prior knowledge and new information
  • Participate actively in their own education
  • Continually assess, evaluate and revise his/her own work to maintain high standards

Critical Thinkers who…

  • Gather, analyze and process information using a variety of strategies
  • Demonstrate problem solving, decision making and conflict resolution
  • Apply knowledge to life experiences

Involved citizens who…

  • Demonstrate care and concern for their environment and community
  • Interact respectfully with people of diverse cultures
  • Demonstrate awareness and respect for the rights of others
  • Support and improve the safety and health of self and others

Effective Communicators who…

  • Understand and convey written, oral, and visual information using a variety of media
  • Incorporate and use technology as an efficient tool for communication
  • Listen respectfully and ask questions to facilitate understanding and achieve insight
  • Collaborate with others in appropriate learning situations to achieve group goals

Self-Directed Life Long Learners…

  • Accept responsibility for their own learning
  • Develop, prioritize and revise personal learning goals
  • Actively seek out new opportunities to learn and challenge themselves
  • Demonstrate competency in goal setting, time management, and organizational skills